Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Havelock Island

 A three hours sail away from Portblair is the Havelock Island in the Andamans. Out in the sea we crossed the Neil Island (bread basket of the Andaman Island) which also happened to be a stop over for the tourists and the local people. The sea was calm and a vast stretch of blue extended ahead of us. But we made the mistake of taking the single hull ferry that turned us into classic examples of sea sickness and motion sickness. It was like a relay race between the four kids and I, as to who could puke their way to the finishing line. I'd never wanted to jump into the sea so much as I did that fateful day.
Approaching Havelock Island

     So did that nauseous journey take the charm away from the beauties of Havelock? It didn't. Nothing ever would. From a distance the island surrounded by the  teal blue waters beckoned. When we finally set foot on the shores at Havelock, I could have actually kissed the ground and shared an invisible bond with all those sea travelers dating back to ever since man started sai.ling. The island was luscious with the tropical growth. The only busy part we saw was the area around the jetty. An eco friendly tourism spot, Havelock lets you enjoy the sea without the crowds playing spoilsport.

   The best places to stay here are the resorts with thatch roofed cottages by the sea. Some of these are double-storied complete with hammocks in the tiny balconies that look out into the sea. At first we found ourselves in an unimaginative concrete building where we were booked for the stay.But that's not how we wanted to spend our days here.

Mangroves At the Doorstep

 Keeping our fingers crossed we scouted around for a resort that would take in two families at short notice. God was with us. We found one that had waves lapping up almost at the doorstep. A couple of mangroves provided the relief in the view. The only sound was that of the wind and the sea. Tall coconut trees shielded from the hot tropical sun and the gravelled paths leading to each of the cottages crunched under our feet.
Our Cottage

    The next morning we hired a boat that would take us to the Elephanta beach. It was to give us the first taste of snorkelling. A peek into the vibrant world under the sea. Corals, colourful fish, anemones...a silent world in motion. There are many resorts that offer deep sea diving experience for the beginners as well as the experienced. We returned humbled by the ocean. Our next visit was to the Radhanagar beach said to be one of the best beaches in the world. the soft powdery sand gleaming white in the sun with waves crashing down. In fact in Havelock, one can walk along the shores around the island taking in the vast stretches of the sea in aqua marine shades. Walking, hiring two wheelers or the three wheelers are the ways to get around this place. Waking up to the sounds of the sea, lulled to sleep in the evenings, Havelock's USP lies in it's near empty roads.
Radhanagar Beach

   On our return journey, smarter now with experience, we boarded a double hulled catamaran with much trepidation. It took us one and a half hours flat to reach back Portblair very much smiling in one piece.  If I had to do one holiday all over again it would have to be a stay at Havelock. Does any holiday have a special place for you?

This post is for the A to Z Challenge 2014


  1. Hello, You write a very interesting blog, apparently you live in a place where you see a lot of ocean? Beautiful pics, too! I've been on those boats (?) that take one from the boat to shore and they are not pleasant! Thanks for the sharing. You sound as though you have an interesting life (About me portion of your blog) God Bless! Ruby (aka. Blabbin' Grammy) http://rubyndub.blogspot.com

  2. Lovely post on Havelock island. Looks so inviting.

  3. Ruby, how I wish I could live by the sea or in the hills! So we try to have our vacations in these places. Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate that. :)

  4. Niranjan, Havelock should be in everyone's bucket list!

  5. That was a nice travelogue. Definitely seems a place worth visiting.

  6. Great post...reminds me of my visit to Havelock in Dec'12:)


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